100 View Party!

Hey! I had my 100 view party! It was awesome!!! Here are some pics...

Coral Canyons:

Crystal Sands Juice Hut:

Sarepia Forest:

Temple of Zios:

Mt. Shiver Hot Cocoa Hut:


My Den:

Sorry If You Couldn't Be There

What do YOU think it is?

Ello ppl! 
There's a new animal coming to Jamma! :O

I'm not going to spoil it for you because i'm pretty sure I know what it is.


What do YOU think it is? Here's a closer look:

Journey Book Prizes

Ello! I finished my Journey Book and here are some pics of the prizes!

Seahorse Fountain:
Fish Window Thing :P :
Puffer Fish:
Puffer Fish After You Click it:

Rainbow Potion

Want to know how to make the Rainbow Potion? Well i'm going to tell you. :3 First go to Brady Barr's Lab in the Temple of Zios, then click on Brady's Chemistry Set. Then add 3 reds, 3 blues, 3 greens, and 3 fires. Then you have your potion! ;)

Secret Color

Want to know how to wear the Secret Color? (the color is plum) First, go to your colors then you see the lime green? Well click the very corner of that color and there you have it! Your wearing the Secret Color, Congratz! It might take a few clicks though.

Welcome to Star8puppy's Animal Jam Blast

Welcome to my blog! You'll have a blast reading it! I can tell you many cheats, codes, and more! ^-^ If you would like to ask or tell me something just find me on Animal Jam! My user is Star8puppy! Have fun! :)