Warriors Page!
Hii! Be sure to check out the new warriors page! Especially if your a warriors fan. Christmas colors! Random...lol
Today i saw someone with the user Star8puppy3301 i was like O.O...lol Anyway here's the picture:
And her/his animal name (Lieutenant Speedypaw) is really similar to one of my animals so :(
Shaman Slideshow
Hey jammers! I felt bad for not posting in a while so i made a random Shaman Slideshow! Enjoy!
Did anyone else notice some of the Bronze Shamans look like the parent of the silver one or was it just me? Sorry it's slow, i wanted to get all the song in it. Did you guys like it?
New Art Page
I'm going to make a new artwork page where you can send me tinypics of your artwork in the comments and i'll post it on the page. Be sure to check it out! Also if u don't know how to make a tinypic, click here take a picture of your artwork and put it on your desktop, upload the file and there you have the link (i use the link on the bottom). So don't be embarrassed of your artwork, i'm sure they're all great! I'm posting some of my artwork to my hummingbird is well...u'll see. :3
Shamans Den
I want a Shamans Den for one of my dens. What den do you guys think would be good for all the Shaman Statues (including the bronze) and both Zios Fountains? Comment and tell me please! :P
Star8puppy's Animal Jam Blast
Hey guys! Sorry i haven't posted in so long. I've been really busy with homework and school and stuff. So i thought about the blog and thought 'maybe i'll change it to a only fun type of stuff blog'. What that means is i won't be posting like the new items. I'll still keep most of my pages. So it's pretty much an animal jam blog that doesn't give new item information but fun things about aj. I'll try and update my blog more often.
Sorry guys i haven't been posting anything in a whole week! I'm really sorry i've been really busy with school and stuff, well i'm gonna post everything i missed, thankfully my friend sent me all the pictures i needed. Sorry again. ):
Okay first we have the Tree Trunk Sink from Jam Mart Furniture:
It's pretty cool. :3
Also you can get a Wooden Toy Box.
You can also get this from Jam Mart Furniture.
The third item is a Crossbow in Epic Wonders.
Pretty cool. :3
There's also a new Fox Tail Chair from Jam Mart Furniture:
I think it's really cool.
In Bahari Bargains you can get a Monocle:
Also you can get a really cool Mine Shaft Door in Jam Mart Furniture, sadly members.
This item came out today.
I'm really sorry, these are all long overdue. I'll try to post all of the new items on time!
Okay first we have the Tree Trunk Sink from Jam Mart Furniture:
It's pretty cool. :3
Also you can get a Wooden Toy Box.
You can also get this from Jam Mart Furniture.
The third item is a Crossbow in Epic Wonders.
Pretty cool. :3
There's also a new Fox Tail Chair from Jam Mart Furniture:
I think it's really cool.
In Bahari Bargains you can get a Monocle:
Also you can get a really cool Mine Shaft Door in Jam Mart Furniture, sadly members.
This item came out today.
I'm really sorry, these are all long overdue. I'll try to post all of the new items on time!
Shamans, Rude Members, and More
Hey jammers, this update is a big one! I'm so excited!!!
Page 1
First of all, there's a new den for 7,000 gems!
Page 2
Turtles are now land and ocean pets! Also there's a new game at the Summer Carnival called Carnival Darts!
Page 3
We've almost have monkey's back! Only 1 million gems to go!
Page 4
There are more settings added to the Settings Icon!
Page 5
Shamans are coming back!!!!! We have finally made a huge difference! Everyone should be very very proud!
Page 6
You can also get a new Tree Hollow Table in Jam Mart Furniture!
They also named the Giraffe Shaman!!!
Also about a week ago there was this very rude member, here are a couple rude things he said:
Fat ah, get it?
Also he said a bunch of other things about non-members like mean things. He said members are way better than non-members. A bunch of people (including me of course) kept defending non-members...so if you could report him that would be great:
User: dj099
Okay guys i'm on really late and i was just about to log off after i went on animal jam for a few seconds, and i flipped through the new newspaper and i saw this:
Congratulating People
Hey guys! Today i congratulated all the people that had epic dens on the list. It's a small easy thing, i just sent a letter saying 'congrats on getting on the epic den list!'. Yea random pose...:3 Bye! :P
OMG OMG!!! My friend's den is on the Epic Den List!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one that says 1NaturePrinces!!!!
I know her in real and we were chatting and i was looking at the Epic Dens and i saw her name!!!!
I literally was like
I did a lot more though. Anyway she was like WHAT WHAT!?
So i told her. Lol. :3
Turtles and More!
Pet Turtles have FINALLY come to Jamma!
Page 1
You can get them in Paws and Claws at the new Pet Party!
Speaking about the all new Pet Party!
Must be awesome! I have to go to one!!!
Page 2
More about the Pet Party! lol
Page 3
There's a new Den Contest! What are your ideas for a new den? Underground? In the clouds? Nonmember?
Also in the Art Studio Painting activity you send it to AJHQ at the bottom!
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The Summer Carnival has even more items on sale!
Also there are more costumes you can wear in Costume Corner!
Page 5
Those are all the Phantoms you can get for the Monthly Member Gift.
In the Chamber of Knowledge you can get a Zios Fountain!
Also guess what? Two more shamans were named!
The Fox Shaman or Amelia:
And the Penguin Shaman or should i say Marco:
Sadly the Giraffe Shaman hasn't been named yet.
Also there are more pet slots and you can now play Falling Phantoms in the Sol Arcade!
Well that's all for the update!
Wait! Don't go!
I forgot! There's also a new cursor (mouse.) Sadly, i can't take a picture of it because it doesn't show up in screen shots and idk how to fix that. Sorry! You'll see it when you log on to aj.
Fox Glitch
Dobbinsbunny taught me a glitch with the new foxes!
You need Leg Armor and a Fox. So all you do is click play while using your fox and this should happen:
You need Leg Armor and a Fox. So all you do is click play while using your fox and this should happen:
See the leg armor that's flying?
Hey guys! I met Snowyclaw recently! Here's a picture of her and her new fox:
I met her soon after foxes came out! :P
Submit a Howl
In the post below i talked about Jamaasians. Well this post is what we can do to save them. All of you, every jammer that believes needs to submit a howl saying
The Shaman animal statues are a big part of this. Every animal has a story. Except the new ones. Didn't you notice? There's Peck for rabbits, Greely for wolves, Liza for pandas, Cosmo for koalas, Graham for monkeys, Sir Gilbert for tigers, and nothing else! Because animal jam stopped making stories for them.
They will get our meaning if we all submit the same howl. You could even copy and paste the whole message. Get all of your buddies and do it together. Tell everyone about this. Tell every jammer you meet!
They will get our meaning if we all submit the same howl. You could even copy and paste the whole message. Get all of your buddies and do it together. Tell everyone about this. Tell every jammer you meet!
But, we have to wait. We have to be patient. Who knows how long? AJHQ might not even review the ideas we send in. But it's worth a try. So long on animal jam and submit a howl!
Be sure to read my post below about jamaasians. I'll soon be making a whole page about it.
Also, this wasn't my idea. You can give all the credit to Snowyclaw. She's awesome!
¡!¡ Jamaasians for Jamaa !¡!
A VERY Important Post-Jamaasians
Hey everyone! I was scrolling through http://animaljamspirit.blogspot.com/2012/05/nests-and-spirit-stones.html (snowyclaw's blog.) And i saw a very interesting post.
Click here to read the post that started it all!
I don't like Jamma because of the rares and the games. I like it because of it's creativity.
I know you were hoping for something big when i said 'a very important post' but this is big.
Shamans aren't being named Mara or Zios anymore. Phantoms aren't invading jamma anymore. These are only a few problems that's happening. Humans are taking over Jamma. The 'Cruise Ship Party' and the water slides in Crystal Sands! The arcade instead of the hospital! There's no more creativity anymore! It's just ridiculous!
But, if we all come together we can save jamma from getting in to a boring old un-creative game. I don't just mean the viewers of this blog. I mean every blog, every jammer, if we all band together we can and we will save jamma.
Everyone if you have a blog post about this. If you don't have a blog it's fine! Comment about this. Tell your buddies, tell some random person in jamma, yell it out in the Hot Cocoa Hut! Just tell people. Tell everyone.
The real question is- What are you going to do about it? You could could ignore this post and tell no one! Or you could do something about this. Tell me your ideas! What do you think about all of this?
Some of you will ignore this post, won't spread it, and don't care. That's alright. But for everyone else, we have to fight! Who's with us?
Just remember,
You can make a difference in Jamma by joining our group.
Click here to read the post that started it all!
I don't like Jamma because of the rares and the games. I like it because of it's creativity.
I know you were hoping for something big when i said 'a very important post' but this is big.
Shamans aren't being named Mara or Zios anymore. Phantoms aren't invading jamma anymore. These are only a few problems that's happening. Humans are taking over Jamma. The 'Cruise Ship Party' and the water slides in Crystal Sands! The arcade instead of the hospital! There's no more creativity anymore! It's just ridiculous!
But, if we all come together we can save jamma from getting in to a boring old un-creative game. I don't just mean the viewers of this blog. I mean every blog, every jammer, if we all band together we can and we will save jamma.
Everyone if you have a blog post about this. If you don't have a blog it's fine! Comment about this. Tell your buddies, tell some random person in jamma, yell it out in the Hot Cocoa Hut! Just tell people. Tell everyone.
The real question is- What are you going to do about it? You could could ignore this post and tell no one! Or you could do something about this. Tell me your ideas! What do you think about all of this?
Some of you will ignore this post, won't spread it, and don't care. That's alright. But for everyone else, we have to fight! Who's with us?
Just remember,
You can make a difference in Jamma by joining our group.
¡!¡ Jamaasians for Jamaa !¡!
Sleeping in Zios
Okay! So in the post below i mentioned the message saying what happens when many jammers sleep in the temple. So after i posted this i decided to go to zios to see if anyone was sleeping. And YES THEY WERE! It took me liike FOREVER to get in. It was mega full! And when i finally get in there i see this:
(click to make it larger)
So the only reason it was full was because SO MANY people were sleeping there. It was like empty everywhere else in the temple. So i wonder what happens? I'm currently sleeping now. Someone said to me Sleeping sleep! lol! So i'll tell you guys if anything happens.
The Temple of Zios
Hey guys! So today i got a message from AJHQ saying What happens when jammers sleep around the statue in the temple of zios? Or something like that. Sorry i don't have a picture. Anyway i got it twice in one day. Isn't that kind of weird? Maybe AJHQ has planned something new. So try getting as many jammers as you can to sleep around the statue in The Temple. What could happen? Who knows? Have any of you been getting this message too?
Shushufairy4 and Pandilover
My friend (1natureprincess) wanted to have a school in her den. So she did. There was this one girl named shushufairy4. She pooped on the playground, on the principal, and on the teacher. She was super rude! Please report her for my friend's sake. Shushufairy4 was like in her den for almost an hour! Here's her picture:
My friend asked me to post this for her so i did. Please report her!
There was also this other girl in her den. Her name was Pandilover:
Please report her too she was being mean and not leaving.
Also i'll be posting all the Nature Archways soon!
Clemmy104, Jaguar40, and Roxy2187456
I was at my den with my friends and some random people showed up. They were so rude me and my friend asked them to leave with saying please. But later when they were still in my den they said they didn't leave my den because we weren't being polite. Well they were in there for more than 30 min. So they were really rude and also used bad words by using these *. So I was wondering if you guys could report them for me. Here are some pictures of them:
Clemmy104 was probably the nicest in the end but she was still really rude in the beginning. Thanks! Bye!
Hi pplz! Star8puppy here! I met this person at the Cruise Ship Party. Her username was Krystin873. She was so rude. She called me and my friend a bozo, a hobnocker, and a noob because I wouldn't trade her my spiked collar. She called herself a rare person because she had a legendary glove and she called me un-rare. I kept telling her that I didn't care if I was rare or not because I don't! Well anyways I just wanted to tell you guys because she was name calling which does kind of mean she was being a bully so technically you can report her. Thanks! Byee!
Blog Look
Hey! My blog look isn't doing so great. I wanted to know what you guys think it should look like. Comment your ideas and i'll try to put a little of all your thoughts into the look.
All you need to say in your comment is what type of background you would like.
For example, colorful, smilies, different emotions, even leave as is, etc. Just give me your ideas and i'll try to combine all your thoughts to make one epic background.
Thanks for commenting! Bye!
All you need to say in your comment is what type of background you would like.
For example, colorful, smilies, different emotions, even leave as is, etc. Just give me your ideas and i'll try to combine all your thoughts to make one epic background.
Thanks for commenting! Bye!
When I Was Gone
Here is all the new things that came out while i was gone. (Thank you to my friend who took all the pictures.)
First at the Pet Shop a Duck Pond, Duck Footprints, a Snake Mat, and a Woven Basket came out.



There also is a new member badge:

There's also a Bronze Brick in Epic Wonders! It's also available to nonmembers! :D

In Jam Mart Clothing you can get the new Moon Necklace!

And AJ HQ sent us a special gift!


Imprisoned Phantoms! If you put those in your den make sure the cage is locked every time you go to bed!
Also there is a new Sheriff Badge in Bahari Bargains!

There is also a new horse game called Jamma Derby!

That's all! Byez!
First at the Pet Shop a Duck Pond, Duck Footprints, a Snake Mat, and a Woven Basket came out.




There also is a new member badge:

There's also a Bronze Brick in Epic Wonders! It's also available to nonmembers! :D

In Jam Mart Clothing you can get the new Moon Necklace!

And AJ HQ sent us a special gift!


Imprisoned Phantoms! If you put those in your den make sure the cage is locked every time you go to bed!
Also there is a new Sheriff Badge in Bahari Bargains!

There is also a new horse game called Jamma Derby!

That's all! Byez!
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